Here is the press release for the latest Nikon products (the detailed D750 specifications can be found here, pre-order options are listed here):
Update: all rumored Nikon products are now officially announced. Those are the First pictures of the Nikon D750 camera, SB500 Speedlight flash and 20mm f/1.8G FX lens taken from an online store. Yesterday I already reported the prices of the Nikon D750 in Germany. I now also have the EU prices of the SB500 flash (GN 24 with additional […]
In addition to the D750 camera, SB500 flash and Nikkor 20mm f/1.8G FX lens (see this post), Nikon will also announce a new MB-D16 battery grip for the D750. All of those products were confirmed also by digicame-info (they always get correct information right before the announcement). Expect the press releases to be out around midnight tonight EST (Thursday) or […]
In addition to the D750 DSLR camera, Nikon will also announce a new SB-500 Speedlight flash. The SB-400 has already been listed as discontinued (previously reported here and here) and I think the new SB-500 will be its replacement. If you make a search on nikon.com for “SB-500”, you will see that at some point the flash was […]
The retail chain Mediamarkt in Germany currently has the Nikon SB-400 Speedlight listed as discontinued in their inventory system. In the past four years Nikon did update the SB-600 (with the SB-700) and SB-800 (updated twice already with the SB-900 and SB-910), but the SB-400 remained untouched since its introduction back in 2006. There is a very good chance that […]