Category Archives: Nikon D4s

Nikon D5 vs. D4s vs. D3s specifications comparison

Two different specs comparisons, first the D5 vs. the D4s and then the D5 vs. D4s vs. D3s:

Also posted in Nikon D3s, Nikon D5 | 32 Comments

Firmware updates 1.10 for Nikon D750 and 1.30 for Nikon D4s released

Nikon released new firmware updates for Nikon D750 and D4s DSLR cameras:

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Nikon D810 and D4s price increase coming to the UK on December 1st?

Grays of Westminster (Nikon UK dealer) announced a new price increase “on selected new products, including the Nikon D810 and D4S, from 1st December 2015“: D810 DSLR Body = £2195.00 D810 + MB-D12 = £2475.00 D810 + AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G = £3375.00 D810 + AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G = £3295.00 D810 + AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G + AF-S […]

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Nikon D4s XQD memory card speed performance test

Nikon Asia published a video of a Nikon D4s XQD memory card speed performance test during shooting and transferring files to a computer:

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New Nikon D4s firmware update C 1.20 released

Nikon released a new firmware update C 1.20 for the D4s DSLR camera. Here is the change log:

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Nikon warns again of “fraudulently modified” D610, D800E and D4s DSLR cameras

In addition to the 2014 service notice regarding “fake” D800E cameras, Nikon issued an update today and also included the D610 and D4s to the list of “fraudulently modified” DSLRs:

Also posted in Nikon D610, Nikon D800 | 23 Comments

Nikon develops new firmware for the D4s, D810 and D750 DSLR cameras

Today Nikon distributed a new press release about upcoming firmware updates for the D4s, D810 and D750 DSLR cameras that will bring support for timecode and recording command functions with HDMI output – the cameras will be able to basically communicate with external video recorders. I am not sure if this is somehow related to the rumors of a […]

Also posted in Nikon D750, Nikon D810 | Tagged | 93 Comments