Nikon announced their financial results for the first quarter of the year ending in March, 2015: both sales and income fell significantly due to “sluggish markets in Europe and Americas“. As a result, yearly sales and income forecasts were reduced. Here are the details:
Summary for the first quarter of the year ending March 31, 2015 (Imaging Products Business)
- Sales and income reduced 52.8 billion yen and 2.7 billion yen on the year
- Failed to reach the forecast approximately by 10 billion yen, but the operating income surpassed the forecast due to implementation of cost reduction measures.
Summary of estimation for the year ending March 31, 2015 (Imaging Products Business)
- Sales plan is revised as European markets are expected to be severer than assumed. The revision pushes down both sales and operating income by 6% and 12%, respectively, from the previous forecast.
This is Nikon’s stock chart for the past 12 months: