Nikon mirrorless camera specs recap


This is a recap on the upcoming Nikon mirrorless cameras. The previous post got a lot of comments and it is hard to navigate, so this will be another place to discuss the upcoming announcement.

Keep in mind that the leaked specifications could be slightly different for the two different models. The translation could also be off since the original set of specifications came from Asia (pictured above is a Nikon mirrorless camera concept created by a reader).

Here we go:

Technical specifications

The new Nikon mirrorless full frame lenses

The price

Here is a comparison of the pricing of the rumored Nikon mirrorless cameras with the current Sony a7 offerings:

The announcement date

The official announcement is rumored for the end of July (on or around July 23rd) and shipping shortly after (August 23rd).

About that release date again – I am doubtful that Nikon will release the camera that early. Maybe July 23rd is the date for the internal presentation in Asia where the specifications leaked from or maybe this is the date when they will drop the teaser or the development announcement. The new Nikon mirrorless camera will definitely be on display at Photokina in September (see thisthis and this previous reports).

But: Nikon turns 101 on July 25th. I can almost see their press release saying: “for the next 100 years we have a new mirrorless mount” (Nikon is now closing their 100th-anniversary website).

The new Nikon mirrorless mount

A new mirrorless mount – that’s for sure. About the different Nikon mirrorless mount dimensions – we could be talking about different ways of measuring the same mirrorless mount: one of the numbers I was given was 55mm. The Z-mount dimensions I reported a few months ago were 49mm for the actual opening and 65.4mm for the entire mount diameter. All three number could be correct.

There is no word on a Nikon APS-C based mirrorless camera. In fact, the rumors I have been receiving in the past 6+ months have only been for a full frame solution.

Update – additional specifications can be found here:

Additional Nikon mirrorless full frame camera specifications (AF and more)

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

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