Nikon’s president confirms new mirrorless camera in an interview

Last week the Japanese newspaper Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun published an interview with Nikon’s President Mr. Kazuo Ushida. In the interview Mr. Ushida hinted again (see also this post) that Nikon will be releasing a new mirrorless camera – see the Google translation of the article (fourth paragraph):

“Structural reform does not exclude all possibilities. In terms of product, you should also compete with medium and high-end SLR single lens reflexes. While targeting genre top, earn profits even if sales falls. With generations grew up on smart phones I will give out a “Nikonashii” mirrorless camera that made a difference to other companies in terms of performance. I want to overwhelm the performance of the lens by making use of industrial lens technology, but also need playfulness”

Thanks for the link Nakayamahanzaemon!