Clueless people are spreading fake rumors online again. Nikon UK WILL NOT lay off all their stuff and close down, I repeat: NIKON UK WILL NOT CLOSE DOWN! The employees that are being laid off are outsourced by a third party company in the UK. They are not Nikon employees. I believe (I am not sure) the name of that third party outsourcing company is REL Field Marketing. The staff is going through the process right now. The affected people already all know. Most of the laid-off employees are in-store reps and their jobs will be terminated on April 12th. This is a completely irrelevant story and I was not going to cover it here until I start receiving emails from concerned readers.

The main Nikon UK office and staff are not affected. There is no change to the UK service department. Nikon is not pulling out for the UK. Let me repeat: NIKON UK IS NOT SHUTTING DOWN. NIKON IS NOT PULLING OUT OF THE UK.

I am seriously getting tired of the same scam artists stealing material from NikonRumors on a daily basis and making up BS stories in order to get clicks (BOYCOTT!) Don’t visit their clickbait websites and don’t watch their stupid videos where they beg for money – that’s the only way they will disappear. Thank you!

Update – Nikon UK has pulled all the Nikon reps out of stores in the UK. This is due to the Covid 19 virus in the hope to protect the health of all the team working with in the retail stores. All reps are still been paid in full, up to the end of the contact on April 19th. Nikon head office has put into place (like most employers) processes to let people to work from home where possible.