Rumors: the long awaited Nikon high-end/premium compact camera coming in early 2016

There is a very good chance that in addition to the D5 in early 2016 we will finally see the long awaited Nikon compact high-end/premium compact camera. I have been reporting for months now that Nikon is working on a new camera(s) with a large/larger sensor (1″ and/or APS-C). More than one version is also a possibility – as many as three different models could be introduce and they could have different lenses (something like the Sigma dp0-dp4 range of cameras maybe? I am not sure). The new camera(s) will be marketed as “always in your bag” and will be targeted for advanced/semi-professional photographers.

There is also a small chance that this rumor is for a new Nikon 1 camera.

The picture on top is a concept Nikon Coolpix camera designed by Nikolay Komaro.