20-25% Nikon price increase in Scandinavia

A reader informed me that Nikon introduced a 20-25% price increase in the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark, and Norway).

I am not aware of other price increases, but if you have any information, you contact me here or comment on this post.

Nikon had several recent price increases in Japan.


“It seems to be some strange things going on. It started with one of the biggest resellers, Scandinavian Photo, raised the prices of several Nikon products. Some of theme seemed as errors and was corrected. Then nikon.se made some price changes shortly followed by Cyberphoto (another big reseller). But a couple of days later they lowered the prices again, so did also Scandinavian Photo. The biggest Nikon store in Stockholm, Kameradoktorn, have the same prices they have had since spring. But all of this “back and forte” maybe are a indication of a upcoming increase?”