Only a few hours left

The Nikon Z8 should be officially announced in a few hours. We will probably first see a video presentation followed later by a live event from Photo London (as already reported last month):

Nikon is an official partner of Photo London and if you search for Nikon Z8 on their website, you will get this:

If you do a search for Nikon Z1 or Nikon Z10 or any other non-existing camera, you will get “Sorry, no content found.” Clearly, at some point, they had a Nikon Z8 reference on their website.

Nikon Z8 Facebook Group

The new Nikon Z8 Facebook Group already has more than 10,000 members – join now before the official announcement.

Nikon Z8 pre-orders

Nikon Z8 pre-orders should open when the press release drops. In some countries, pre-orders could be delayed by a day or two. Stay tuned for my coverage tomorrow and I will post the details once they become available. Here are some links from sponsors of the site that you can check and see if the Z8 is already listed – I will keep updating them throughout the day tomorrow:

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Best Buy

Pauls’s Photo

Service Photo
Foto Erhardt (DE)

Calumet (DE)

Foto Koch (DE)

Jessops (UK)


Park Cameras (UK)

(with free battery)