Some quotes from the recent Nikon Q3 2021 earnings call transcript

Nikon stock price is up 44.50% this year

Some quotes from the recent Nikon Q3 2021 earnings call transcript that relate to the Imaging Business:

“Imaging Products, we had a record quarterly sales for mirrorless and cameras.”

“Imaging Products business will turn profitable in real times if we exclude extraordinary costs such as restructuring-related costs and others.”

“Imaging Products segment was revised upward JPY 5 billion, reflecting the improvement in the third quarter.”

“We expect to have improved operating profit in Imaging Products business as much as JPY 3 billion.”

“Imaging Products business, with the high-end shifting and structural reforms, aims to be profitable even when revenue is less than JPY 150 billion.”

“Imaging Products business is going well recently, but we need to make further efforts in order to stably generate profit because it seems that we have just been helped by the market recovery.”

Via Seekingalpha, stock quote: Google

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