Digital camera market down 22% for 2018, the latest global market share: Canon 40.5 %, Nikon 19.1 %, Sony 17.7 %

There is a new Nikkei article on the latest global camera market share – here is the recap:  the digital camera market is down 22% for 2018, the top five companies hold 85.2% market share with a total of 20,290,000 units (-22.2%):

The latest Japanese camera market share is as follow – Canon 37.3%, Nikon 26.7%, Sony 13.1%:

Japanese camera market share: Canon 37.3%, Nikon 26.7%, Sony 13.1%

The Japanese full-frame mirrorless market share for April, 2019 – Sony: 50%, Canon: 30%, Nikon: 15%:

The latest Japanese full-frame mirrorless market share (April, 2019): Sony: 50%, Canon: 30%, Nikon: 15%

Via Digicame-info