The first lens adapters for Nikon Z-mount announced

MTF Services announced the first lens adapters for the new Nikon Z full-frame mirrorless camera system:

“MTF Services believes Nikon has launched a ‘real’ competitor to Sony’s full-frame mirrorless system. They believe that their new range of lens adapters will help broaden the shooting options for those with collections of rival glass.

The new range of Z Series lens adapters from MTF will be shown for the first time during IBC 2018, which takes place between the 13 – 18th September in Amsterdam. They will be available to order at the end of September 2018. Shipping will coincide with availability of initial products from Nikon’s Z Series full-frame mirrorless system.” (via Newsshooter)

MTF adapters are sold at Adorama.

Update – see also this post:

Additional information on the first lens adapters for Nikon Z6/Z7 mirrorless cameras