Rumors: new Nikon price increase coming to the UK in June

Nikon is rumored to announce a new prices increase in the UK next month (June, 2018) and this time it is expected to be a significant one. If you are planning on buying a new Nikkor lens, now it is probably a good time to pull the trigger. I was told that even the new Nikkor AF-S 180-400mm f/4 ED TC VR lens will get a hefty price increase (currently £10,999).

Check the current Nikon prices at WEX, Jessops, Park Camera and Amazon UK.

Nikon already had several price increases in Europe and the UK in the past few years.

Update – I got some additional information on this topic:

Nikon is changing their contract and condition model in Europe in June/July. There may not be a direct price increase coming from Nikon, but many dealers will get worse conditions with the updated contract and they may (and most likely will) increase the prices to the customer.