Nikon prices still going up?

Few readers emailed me that Nikon prices went up again in the last few days (the last time I updated the Price Watch section was a week ago, so you can clearly see the difference). Pretty much every DSLR body went up in price with $10-$20. For example the D300 is now (was $1489.95 a week ago):

Amazon: $1499.95

Adorama: $1499.95

B&H: $1499.99

The price jump is bigger in the UK (email from a reader):

“I am looking for adding a new Nikon to my collection but am waiting to get paid at the end of the month. However, I am keeping an eye on the prices twice a day. I have just noticed that Warehouse Express in the UK,  who are usually very cheap, have just put up the price of a D300 from £998 this morning to  £1159.”

What’s going on?