Panasonic used a photo from a Nikon Ambassador to promote their latest Lumix S9 camera

If you haven’t heard, Panasonic has been in trouble lately:

Panasonic is now also being accused of using stock photos in their latest Lumix S9 camera campaign. One of the photos seems to have been taken with a Nikon camera by… a Nikon Ambassador – here is a screenshot from the official Panasonic page:

The birds picture is taken by a Nikon Ambassador Mircea Bezergheanu:

Other pictures were taken from Shutterstock and, in one case, even with a Canon camera and Tamron lens, claiming that the photo was taken with Lumix gear. Read the full story here (with several other examples):

More bad news for Panasonic: Lumix S9 product page controversy and the use of stock photos *UPDATED*