Nikon D1, D2, D3, D4 series cameras autofocus stopped working solution: gravity

I received this email from a reader (thanks Eco) regarding an autofocus issue with the older Nikon D1, D2, D3, and D4 series DSLR cameras and how to fix it with the help of…. gravity:

Nikon D1, D2, D3, D4 series AF (autofocus) stopped working issue and workaround solution

Just Recently I had the same exact autofocus issue with my Nikon D4.  Incidentally, I had the same issue with one of My Canon EOS 1DsIII Cameras. The D4 autofocus shield baffle on the bottom of the mirror box was partially broken or out of alignment. I did not drop or knock the camera. After more than 300,000 shutter releases, it just wore out.

Solutions and options

The best option is always to send the camera to Nikon for repair.

Free Solutions:

Here is some useless information: