Nikon China feeds Z8 camera rumors by posting a 67MP photo on social media

Nikon China posted four pictures on their Weibo social media channel and caused a lot of speculation becuase one of the photos has a resolution of  6670 × 10000 (or around 67MP, download the original file here):

Nikon currently does not have a camera with a 67MP sensor. Of course, the picture could be upscaled or taken with another camera. A reverse image search of the photo did not return any results, which reduces the possibility of Nikon China using a stock photo.

My position on the Nikon Z8 has not changed – if such a camera exists, it is not coming anytime soon. Nikon still cannot fulfill their existing Z9 orders and they will not announce a new camera that can potentially compete and sell even better than the Z9. Not happening. Once the Z9 is sitting on store shelves we can start talking about a potential Nikon Z8 development announcement.

Is this the Nikon Z8?

No, Nikon ambassador did not use a Nikon Z8 camera