Nikon can and will keep up with Sony

I will just put this quote from Thom Hogan here since I also got multiple emails asking me about the impact of the new $6,500 Sony a1 camera on Nikon:

“Sony’s non-surprising Alpha 1 announcement this week seems to have set a few Nikon shooters into panic again. More disinformation and clickbait headlines are also proliferating. The common theme seems to be “Nikon can’t/won’t keep up and will fail.”

Relax. Take a deep breath. Stop believing everyone else’s (sometimes uninformed) opinion without question.

At this point I’m aware of quite a bit of future Nikon product being developed. I’m not going to go into very specific details. Assuming my (multiple) sources aren’t pulling my leg for what would seem to be illogical reasons, Nikon will have some moments in the sun soon, too. And the Z transition will continue.”

I will soon post another recap on what is expected next from Nikon (see previous “what to expect” posts here).

Additional information on the new Sony a1 camera can be found here.