The first Nikon Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.2 S lens reviews are out

The first Nikon Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.2 S lens reviews are out:

Review at Keithwee:

“We touched on the build, optical and autofocus performance and I will conclude that the Nikkor 50mm f1.2 S is and will be one of the optically best lenses available in Z-mount. Even the minimum focusing distance of 0.45 meters is impressive, allowing one to literally obliterate the background at this distance to the subject with impeccable sharpness and details. However if we touch on the ‘worth’ of the Nikkor 50mm f1.2 S, it gets trickier. Like Leica’s 50mm f0.95 Noctilux offering, these super fast lenses are tools designed for extreme low light or specific uses. Optically excellent lenses do not immediately make a person a better photographer. In fact, it is not correct to even say one will get this 50/1.2 S to only shoot wide open for if it is a family portrait shot in a studio I will have to step the aperture down for sure.”

Review at Richard Haw:

“This is the king of 50mm lenses. The fact that it autofocuses makes this a dream-come-true for some people. It is an amazing lens by any standard and it isn’t expensive either. You could get one for less than $2,700.00, it’s even cheaper than what the German companies will ask you for their equivalent lenses. That money is not a small sum in today’s economy but people who make a living shooting at lowlight situations will want one of these. Astro-photographers will definitely want them, events photographers won’t consider other options if they have tried shooting with it. This is the best lens in its class. Sure, it won’t give you that special “look” that the German company could offer but it does other things much better for a lower price. If I were shooting for a job I would definitely buy one of these. There’s so much potential in it for people taking photos or videos. It’s a new benchmark for Japanese lenses, something that people would compare everything in its class to. If you are a professional shooting with Nikon mirrorless cameras this will be the best investment you could make in the coming years. If you couldn’t afford the Nikkor Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct this is the next-best-thing.”

Review at Ephotozine:



Review at Cameralabs:



Review at Digitalcameraworld



Sample photos at Dpreview.

Sample photos at Imaging Resource.

Here are the Nikon Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.2 S video reviews:

Check Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.2 S lens availability: