Nikon CEO in an interview with Nikkei: unit sales decreased to less than one-sixth in comparison to fiscal 2012

Nikkei published another interview with Nikon’s CEO Mr. Toshikazu Umatate last week. Here is a translation from one of the questions (the other three questions were not about cameras):

Nikon’s main business is the digital camera, but the environment is very harsh. What do you think about it?

Nikon’s CEO Mr. Umatate: The market slowed down sharply. Our unit sales decreased to less than one-sixth in comparison to fiscal 2012 which is the recent peak year. There may be more downside risk ahead. Profit of the imaging products business including digital cameras will fall to 12 billion yen this fiscal year because the expansion of mirrorless products increases costs in advanc e. However, we hope the profit will increase to 20 billion yen three years later. We’re reviewing our sales network of digital cameras. Online sales are increasing in North America while bricks and mortar stores are still strong in Asia. We’re going to rebuild our sales structure to focus on each region’s strength. Structural reform since fall 2016 lessened fixed costs, but there is more room to cut costs by overhauling procurement costs.

Via Nikkei (thanks  Nakayamahanzaemon!)