This is the new Nikon Z offer: trade-in any working digital interchangeable-lens camera and get up to $400 in addition to your trade-in value

I already reported about the upcoming Nikon D850 $200 price drop that will start this weekend (I will make a separate post once the rebate is available).

Here are the details on the new Nikon Z offer I mentioned:

Trade in any working digital interchangeable-lens camera and get up to $400 in addition to your trade-in value towards a Nikon Z mirrorless camera.

The landing pages for this offer: Adorama | B&H Photo. The list of qualifying cameras can be found here. I believe the trade-in offer will also start this weekend and it is not yet available.

Update: Focus Camera is also offering a free Nikon travel case and a Sony 120GB XQD G Series memory card with each trade-in: