The French Army reconnaissance team uses Nikon gear

“The French Army reconnaissance team uses Nikon gear” is by Paul Grayson:

I was accredited to the Eurosatory 2018 “Land and Airland”, bi-annual, “Defence and Security International” Expo in Paris. On 10 June, I photographed the “Live Demonstrations” of French anti-terror teams: RAID, BRI and GIGN, as well as demonstrations by both the French Army’s ground forces and special forces and by the private, AENEAS, security force.

I thought your readers might like to see that among the now ubiquitous air and ground drones delivering photo/video to the military and police, the French Army reconnaissance team duo still use “traditional” Nikon body and telephoto lens combos.

Among the drones, I included an image of the single “killer robot” that participated in the demos with AENEAS. It qualifies to join the video-specific drones, in my reasoning, given its inbuilt, high-capacity photo/video (and machine-gunning) capabilities:

The reconnaissance team image makes me think: Nice to see the French Army continuing to include our favorite “old technology” in their reconnaissance kit, although I don’t know what the guy on the right is “shooting” with.

All images are copyrighted 2018 Paul Grayson and used with permission.

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