New Nikon patents: Nikkor 52mm f/0.9 and 36mm f/1.2 full frame mirrorless lenses

Nikon 52mm f/0.9 full frame mirrorless lens

Nikon 36mm f/1.2 full frame mirrorless lens

Nikon has new patents filed in Japan for a 52mm f/0.9 and 36mm f/1.2 full frame mirrorless lenses:

Nikon 52mm f/0.9 full frame mirrorless lens

Nikon 36mm f/1.2 full frame mirrorless lens

Nikon has already filed several patents for full frame mirrorless lenses in the past. Patents are no guarantee for future products, but I think everything so far points to a new full frame mirrorless camera with a new mount that can accommodate a 50mm f/0.9 lens.

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Via hi-lows-note