Weekly Nikon news flash #416

→ Memory cards instant savings: up to $100 off on some Lexar CompactFlash cards.



Nikon received four TIPA Awards 2017 for the Nikon D5600, Coolpix W100, PC Nikkor 19mm f/4E ED and KeyMission 360.

→ Check out these Nikon patent sheet sneakers.

→ In addition to Nikon, Sigma and Tamron also have new rebates in the US for the month of May.

→ New Nikon Spring cashback promotion announced in the UK (Jessops | WEX | Park Camera).

→ The NPS collection of technical solutions and tips on the latest Nikon products can be found here.

Nikon announced a new “Camera & Lens Trial Service” in Japan where you can borrow a camera and a lens for a day.

→ Check out the new set of ND filters by Aurora Aperture that includes also a solution for the Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 lens.

→ Nikon unveiled: Macro Photography.