Pictures reportedly taken with a new Nikon D7xx full frame DSLR camera with incredible low light capabilities

A Swedish photographer claims that the two photos he posted on his Facebook page were taken with a new Nikon D7** full frame DSLR camera that has some incredible low light performance. The new camera should be released in 2017. The first picture was supposedly taken in a pitch black forest at night:

Original text:

Måste få dela en liten bild. Mest till fotonördar, men ni andra gillar den kanske också? Fotat mitt i natten december 2015. Månsken, men toksvart ändå. Testade ny modell/sensor mm. Denna kamera kommer 2017 och jag har aldrig sett motsvarigheten. Bruset är sjukt lågt, af modulen kommer vara som Nikon D5/D500 dvs som D500 bäst av alla som finns idag. D500, är bättre/snabbare än Canons/Nikons promod. Dynamiken, mmm. Tänk nu, ögonen ser inte tre-fyra träd bort. Kameran ser detta 🙂


Must share a little image. Mostly for the photo-freaks, but maybe the rest of you likes it too. Taken in the middle of the night in December 2015. Moonlight, but still very dark. Tested a new model/sensor. This camera comes 2017 and I have never seen the like. Noise is super-low, the AF-module will be like D5/D500, ie as D500 best of all there is today. D500 is better/faster than Canon’s/Nikon’s pro models. The dynamics etc. Think now, the eyes can see three-four trees away. The camera sees this

Second photo (also taken in a pitch black forest at night):

Original text:

Denna är mer galen 🙂 Kolla. Inget månsken här. Inget ljus alls. NADA! Totalt becksvart skog. Jag letade med pannlampan efter Emmy. Ställde skärpan med pannlampan i handen som lyste på henne. 2,5 sek, stativ. Hon sitter ej stilla men se ljungen. Absurt..


This one is more crazy 🙂 Look. No moonlight here. No light at all. NADA! Totally pitch-black forest. I searched for Emmy with my headlamp. Set the focus with the headlamp in my hand pointed at her. 2.5 sec, tripod. She’s not still, but look at the heather. Absurd..

And one more comment by photographer:

Nja inte en ny “toppproffsmodell” . Ärver mkt fr D5/D500. Fullformat. D7**. Önskar den utan AA filter. Men troligen med det. Jag har ju Sony fullformat o Nikon D500 som är en helt sjukt bra kamera. Lånad D500. Sänkte ju min. Men nya Nikon kommer jag nog byta till, beroende på AA filtret.


Well not a new ” Toppproffsmodell ‘. Inherits Mkt Fr D5 / D500. Fullformat. D7 **. Wish it without aa filters. But probably with it. I have Sony Fullformat O Nikon D500 which is a crazy good camera. Borrowed D500. Lowered my. But New Nikon I will probably switch to, depending on the aa the filter.

Obviously I don’t know if the above pictures and claims are real, but it’s safe to assume that we will see a new full frame DSLR camera in 2017.