6 hour tour of Cairo

6 Hour Tour of Cairo by Chu Eseka

Hello everyone, my name is Chu known more as CEBlueclouds on NR.  Been signed on NR since June 2012 and always enjoyed reading various post by guests and wondered if I would ever do one myself. I am an Investment Banker by profession so I do quite a bit of short travels, often I carry along my camera but don’t often put it to good use ☺. I had to be in Cairo, Egypt for company business on Monday March 2, 2015 with a plan to leave on Tuesday and travel arrangement worked in my favour letting me arrive Cairo on Sunday morning.

View from the Nile….

Knowing very little about Cairo, did a little research and decided the best way to optimize my free late Sunday morning/afternoon was to book a photo tour and ended up with Your Egypt Tours.

A six-hour tour comprising of a visit to Giza to see the Pyramids and the Sphinx; followed by a walk through the old city was the best we could come up with. A more extensive tour of the city to see all the great mosques, Museums, etc. and exploring Coptic Cairo could unfortunately not be accommodated.  On the plus side, I was the only one on the tour due to very little tourist activity because of the then still recent security challenges. However, shooting conditions were less than ideal as it was very misty/foggy till very late in the afternoon and there was very little activity in the old city because it was a public holiday (work free day).

My equipment was a Nikon D800 paired with a 24-70mm f/2.8 Nikon lens.

Was very quiet at the Pyramids….

But meant better views with minimal tourists!

Bet he was wondering if he would hit his daily target!

Love the colour rendition of the D800!

…and the dynamic range of the camera!….highlight recovery in this instance as the Sun in the original shot (on the right) was all blown out.

Only an old man to hustle for business…..

The Sphinx…a sight to behold!

Very quiet Cairo streets….

Embarrassingly, I misplaced my written records of most of the sights I captured

But remember the  Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah …

View of the old City

Sunset from my hotel balcony.

Morning view.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures and thank you for your time!

If you have an interesting idea for a guest post, you can contact me here.