Nikon D500 updates

More Nikon D500 updates (see part 1 and part 2):

→ Nikon D500 started shipping in the UK and the rest of Europe.

→ Nikon NPS published Introducing shooting tips for D500 users.

→ Nikon View NX-i and NX-D software updated with D500 support (an install issue got fixed in the latest “a” versions):

→ Nikon D500 manual is now available on the Manual Viewer app (for iOS and Android).

New version of SnapBridge was released.

→ Bill Claff’s dynamic range assessment for the D500 is out (more info at Photonstophotossee also this and this page):

First D500 test by dpreview – “leads class in studio and dynamic range tests”:

“As you can see, there’s very little difference in noise between a native ISO 3200 shot and an ISO 100 image captured at the same exposure values and ‘pushed’ 5EV during processing. This suggests the camera itself is adding very little additional noise to its images. As well as what this tells you about the sensor performance, it also means it’s possible to significantly underexpose low ISO images when working in low light, and capturing more highlight information than by using a higher ISO setting.”

BIF samples with the D500 (great AF):

“I’ve been trying D500 auto focus and so far tried Dynamic 72 and group AF. Both worked better than D4 and 7D II in my experience. With D500 I got more critical sharp images compared to D4 and more in focus images than 7DII. I had some trouble with busy background, but D500 handles it much better than D4. If I just turn around shoot a sequence I’m getting lots of really sharp images.”

Nikon D500 first impressions by a reddit user:

“The AF is something special. There are shots I know my D810 would have missed that I’m getting. I have enough shooting experience where if I get a sequence, I know if I got it in focus or not. There have been multiple times I have viewed a sequence that I was sure was going to be OOF that were nailed. The AF is a dramatic improvement over existing high end nikons, which were already great.”


→ New Nikon D5 and D500 pins now available for sale in Japan.

→ Nikon D500 overview by dpreview.

→ The Nikon D500 promo video used SB-5000 flashes mounted on a drone.

→ Nikon D500 Tests: Rolling Shutter, D-Light, Etc.

→ Nikon D500 4k flat ungraded video sample.

Check Nikon D500 availability and pricing at: