Pushing the limits of the Nikon D800 flash sync speed

Nikon technical specs for the D800 flash sync speed are: up to 1/250 sec, synchronizes with shutter at 1/320s or slower (flash range drops at speeds between 1/250 and 1/320s). A reader did some testing and sent me his findings on pushing the D800 flash sync limits – you can basically use the D800 with 1/400 sec flash sync with 90% coverage of the image field:

I tried out how far you could push the flash sync on the D800, since I know the D200 could almost get away with 1/320 with about 85% coverage. What I found was fantastic, I am attaching jpegs straight from the camera as evidence. I have tested is FX, DX and 1.2 crop modes:



Sync times with 100% coverage of image:

Sync times with 90% coverage of image (still very usable for fill flash, etc):

FX test images

FX 1/320 sec

FX 1/400 sec

FX 1/500 sec

FX 1/640 sec

DX test images

DX 1/400 sec

DX 1/500sec

DX 1/640 sec

DX 1/800 sec

1.2x crop test images

Crop 1/320 sec

Crop 1/400 sec

Crop 1/500 sec

Crop 1/640 sec