Weekly Nikon news flash #259

→ The UK pre-orders for the new Nikon 1 J4 camera are now live at Jessops. The camera will not be available for sale in the US, but soon you will be able to purchase one from DigitalRev (they ship to the US).

→ A Nikon 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR lens in mint condition is now listed on eBay for $16,999.00 (MSRP: $17,896.95)

→ Phottix released v3.21 firmware upgrade for the Phottix Mitros TTL flashes for Nikon.

→ “Dedicated” by Corey Rich is now online (shot entirely on the new Nikon D4s camera):

→ Nikon D4s and V3 cameras at the 2014 NAB show: