For more detailed coverage, follow [NR] on Twitter and Facebook


For more detailed coverage of the latest Nikon related news, you can follow [NR] on Twitter and Facebook. I usually post much more detailed information on social media and publish only the important topics on the blog. You can also follow [NR] via this RSS feed or email subscription. Those are actually the fastest ways to get the latest updates, because with the current caching setup, it may take few minutes until the website is updated with the most recent blog post. I often publish new information on Twitter and Facebook before I even have the chance to write a post. I am not doing much on g+ lately, but this may change in the future.

What else is new?

Check the new eBay Finds section. You can also check the eBay Finds section on LeicaRumors and PhotoRumors. I will soon be redesigning the entire review section. I am also planning to add the Disqus platform which will make the comments section much more user friendly. An average blog post now generates several hundreds comments and a new solution is needed. I am also playing with the idea for a [NR] iPhone app, but this will take a while.