Nikon D800 vs. D700 body and grip comparison plus a poll

Just a quick comparison of the Nikon D700 and the D800 pictures from yesterday. I had to publish another post to continue the discussion (yesterday’s thread got almost 1k comments).

Many readers are asking me if the picture is real. To the best of my knowledge, it is. Previous polls have always been very accurate when a questionable picture is posted online, let’s see what will the results be this time (direct link to poll):

How about the external battery grip? The back view of the D800 grip doesn’t look like the current MB-D10 or MB-D11 models:

Front view

Nikon D800 grip

Nikon MB-D10 grip

Nikon MB-D11 grip

Back view

Nikon D800 grip

Nikon MB-D10 grip

Nikon MB-D11 grip

For more side by side comparisons check Ron’s blog, Lumenatic and those files: -1- | -2- | -3-.