Happy Halloween, Nikon style!

Check out this fully functional Nikon Halloween costume created by Tyler Card:

Fully Functional Camera Costume from Tyler Card on Vimeo.

For Halloween 2011, I designed a wearable camera costume using my Nikon DSLR.

It’s a fully functional, complete with an LCD display, built in flash, shutter release button/wireless remote control. It is also capable of triggering my Alienbees strobe lights with a Paul C. Buff Cyber Commander, and winning any costume contest with the push of a button.

Making of the Camera Costume from Tyler Card on Vimeo.

This is the process of making my Halloween costume and some pics of it in action.

Everything works from the LCD screen, built-in flash, and shutter release button. It is also capable of wirelessly controlling my Alienbees strobes, and winning any costume contest with the push of a button.

Music: “Just Say Um” by The Little Village





Video by Adam Barr: adamichael.tumblr.com