NikonRumors turns 2 today

Exactly 2 years ago I posted several small messages online on upcoming Nikon products. This is how NikonRumors started.

Today, on the second anniversary, we have 1,212  posts, 56,170 comments and… 24,296 spam messages.

Over the past two years we had few million visitors form 225 countries/territories. I did receive several thousand emails from readers with information on Nikon products. It has been a lot of fun.

I want to thank all of you for being [NR] readers. Special thanks also to the forum moderators  – the [NR] forum now has over 2,400 members with 32,702 posts in 1,670 topics.

We have again some quiet time ahead of us and I will be posting some “non-rumors” topics in the next few weeks. I will also make some small changes to the website design and maybe even change to white background one day 🙂

You can follow NikonRumors on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and the [NR] forum group on flickr.