The last post on the “I am Nikon” campaign

Update: is now live.

“Nikon is launching a pan-European advertising campaign, called “I am Nikon”, which aims to connect the brand’s heritage of professionalism, authenticity and innovation to an audience of aspiring photographers. The campaign will appear throughout Europe and South Africa, with the first TV ad airing on UK television over the Easter weekend from 2 to 5 April 2010 on ITV, Channel Four and Channel Five.”

Read the whole article @ MarketingWeek. This campaign was created by by Jung von Matt/Spree advertising agency (the company that registered some of the IamNikon domain names). still redirects to the default Nikon Europe site. No new products were announced today.

Update: The last card from France of course says “I am Nikon”. It contained also a second flyer about the new campaign (thanks Romain Heuillard for the pictures):

Update #2 – new video on YouTube: