Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. I love it! I am not 100% done and still have to make some small changes to the design.

The most important thing is that all 327 posts, 5041 comments and 157 trackbacks got imported successfully and are available.

The bad news is that some links are broken and f#%&ing godaddy exported also the already deleted spam… Now I have an additional 3000 spam comments online! WTF? Why did they include them in the export file? I am glad I am out of there. If you see some weird comments, please be patient until I fix this mess.

If anyone is using some cool WP plugins let me know – drop me a line at nikonrumors [at] gmail [dot] com or just post a comment.

RSS feed and email will be available shortly.

Oh, I forgot to mention – I will be adding some red to the yellow 🙂 Is the red triangle a trademark/tradedress of Nikon?