Weekly Nikon news flash #756

→ Another portable fog machine for video & photography announced: Smoke GENIE Ninja (Ulanzi announced a similar product last week). Additional information is available here.

→ Megadap to announce a new EFTZ21 lens adapter (Canon EF lens to Nikon Z camera).

What is global shutter and how it works?

Photo news roundup week of November 19, 2023.

The latest interchangeable lenses market share in Japan.

→  The Japanese website Newswitch published the article “China is leading the camera market, Nikon, Fujifilm, Canon, etc. to deepen their reach with high-priced models“ – see the recap here.

Nikon booth at the Inter BEE2023 show.

Nikon released the MAR-M700MFA, the world’s first multi-turn external battery-free absolute encoder with an all-solid-state battery.

→ More pictures of the new Sirui Sniper 23mm, 33mm, and 56mm f/1.2 autofocus lenses or Nikon Z-mount.

→ The latest Nikon YouTube videos: