A nice farewell story for the Nikon Coolpix W300 waterproof camera

The Nikon Coolpix W300 waterproof camera is now discontinued: Adorama: no longer listed B&H Photo: discontinued Amazon: still available but overpriced Nikon USA: achieved Nikon Japan: discontinued This Nikon Coolpix W300 camera was lost at sea and was found a year later – the pictures were still available: 反応の多さに戦々恐々 こんな見た目でも中身は全く浸水もなくデータも無事 生物が付着して酷かった汚れも何とか落とせたので今度後輩に返還しようかと またミラクルなのが撮影日がほぼ丸々1年前やねんな… 狙ってもできんぞ… pic.twitter.com/8b9tEqSAil — … Continue reading A nice farewell story for the Nikon Coolpix W300 waterproof camera