New third party lenses announced: Mitakon 135mm f/2.5 APO for Nikon Z/F and Irix Cine 30mm T1.5 for Nikon Z

Zhong Yi Optics announced a new Mitakon 135mm f/2.5 APO lens for Nikon F and Z mounts. For now, orders can be placed only at the official Zhong Yi Optics website (international shipping available). Additional information is available at PhotoRumors. Sample photos can be found here. Mitakon Zhongyi already has another lens for Nikon Z-mount – the Speedmaster 50mm f/0.95 III.

Irix announced a new Cine 30mm T1.5 lens for Nikon Z-mount. Pre-orders are already open at Adorama and at Irix USA. For additional information including specifications, press release, and more check the Photo Rumors blog post and the Irix official Irix website. Irix already has four cine lenses for Nikon Z-mount.