Announced: three new silver TTartisan APS-C lenses for Nikon Z-mount – all under $100 (a perfect match for the Nikon Z fc)

The new silver TTArtisan 50mm f/1.2, 35mm f/1.4, and 17mm f/1.4 APS-C manual focus mirrorless lenses for Nikon Z-mount (previously reported here) are now officially announced and available for pre-order (some of the listings will be updated in the next few hours): TTartisan online store: 17mm, 35mm, 50mm Pergear: 17mm, 35mm, 50mm Amazon US: 35mm, … Continue reading Announced: three new silver TTartisan APS-C lenses for Nikon Z-mount – all under $100 (a perfect match for the Nikon Z fc)