Nikon Summer Promotions coming in Europe on May 15th

Two weeks ago I reported that new Nikon discounts are coming to more countries in May. Nikon already started their new rebates in the US that include a significant price drop on the Z6/Z7/D850 cameras and new lens-0nly rebates. The new Nikon Summer Promotions is coming in Europe on May 15th:

Nikon UK Summer Promotion: the new discounts are coming for UK customers on May 15th (check the details at WEX, Park Camera and Amazon UK). Here is the full list of discounted cameras and lenses (via camerajabber):

Nikon Switzerland Summer Promotion (French | German) – up to CHF 400 off (including the Nikon Z cameras), starts Wednesday, May 15 (not public yet, found through Google).

Update – here are the upcoming German Nikon rebates: