Weekly Nikon news flash #461 (part 1)


→ Nikon released a new compact camera in Japan with the color patterns of a train.

→ Nikon D850 vs. Fujifilm GFX 50S image quality comparison by Camera Jabber:

The image quality potential of both these cameras is incredible. The GFX 50S’s physically larger medium format sensor and consequent larger GF lenses (which were designed to resolve for 100Mp sensors, which you would assume are coming in due course) gives the Fujifilm camera an advantage for sharpness. It’s the standout difference between the two cameras, and whilst the D850 is far from bad, if you’re ‘pixel-peeping’, detail resolution can be outrageously good from the GFX. This translated into sharper A3+ prints from the GFX, which were generally preferred by the art directors in our blind test, although they kept reiterating there was very little in it.

Here is why you should not buy anything from 42nd Street Photo in NYC.

→ Gray Levett and Jeremy Gilbert discuss the Nikon D850.

B&H: what’s the difference between phase vs. contrast autofocus?