Weekly Nikon news flash #397

Refurbished Nikon 1 J4 camera + 10-30mm lens now sells for $239.

→ The Mitakon Speedmaster 135mm f/1.4 lens will start shipping soon.

→ I did not know that Nikon made also broadcast lenses.

→ Nikon D500 WiFi support works with the Airnef utility (see also this post for more info). This means D500 users can use Airnef to transfer files to their desktop/notebook over WiFi just like other non-SnapBridge Nikon cameras.

→ The Freedom of the Press Foundation published an open letter to the world’s leading camera manufacturers (including Nikon) urging them to build encryption into their still photo and video cameras to help protect the filmmakers and photojournalists who use them (read more here).

→ Nikon School of Photography launched in Astana, Kazakhstan.