Nikon D750 additional coverage

Some additional Nikon D750 coverage – first, the latest reviews:

Ross Harvey’s D750 review – probably the best D750 review I have seen so far:

“I’ve found my new wedding camera. My high hopes were exceeded, and that was using a £460 lens. The next wedding I’ll be back on the 1.4G primes and 24-70 for the dance floor, and I’ll use two D750s throughout. My two trusty D3s’ will come along as backup (never thought I’d hear myself say that). To create a camera so small with such an incredible sensor and autofocus system that not only offers great dynamic range and quality at higher ISOs, but also focuses in darker conditions, will be absolutely invaluable to countless photographers. Myself included. I am genuinely delighted at how capable this tiny camera is.”

Nikon D750 review – initial thoughts and real-world footage – ladies and gentleman we have a contender:

“I’m impressed with the ease of which I am able to get accurate colour out of the D750. You don’t need to master S-LOG. The Nikon colour science delivers very well out of the box with the supplied ‘flat’ image profile. I’m also impressed with resolution in 1080/60p, it’s almost as good as the A7S does in 1080/24p – and after a little post – as similar as makes no difference.”

Nikon D750 vs D800 ISO comparison by

See also this Nikon D750 review by Shaun Baker:

“So a lot of people are asking me where this camera fits in the Nikon FX line up? My answer is simple. IF you are in the market for a new DLSR, do NOT buy the D610. Get the D750. If, for some reason you truly believe you NEED a D810 then go for it. BUT it’s $1,000 more for not that much more of a camera. Actually, less. There is no tilt screen, and no built in wifi. The D810 is awesome, don’t get me wrong. Only you know what you are shooting and what tools you need to best get the job done. For most, the best tool is the D750. I am actually considering selling the D4 and getting a second D750. It’s that good!”

Another Nikon D750 high ISO test by

Nikon D750 low light video test at ISO 1000 at 60fps, played back at 25fps.

Nikon D750 Wi-Fi photo transfer demonstration.

The fastest memory card for the Nikon D750 is the SanDisk Extreme Pro 95MB/s 32GB. See the details over at

Several readers asked me about the D750 (K) version without Wi-Fi mentioned in the manual (page 309). I think this is a special version for some Asian countries.

Many readers also asked me about the ok button magnifications: the Nikon D750 Ok button can be configured for 100% or 200% magnification (page 355 of the manual).

If you have any additional comments/suggestions/opinions, please share them in the comments section.

The Nikon D750 is currently in stock at: B&H | Adorama | Amazon US | BestBuy | OneCall | WEX (UK) | Jessops (UK) | Amazon UK | Amazon France.

The new Nikon MB-D16 battery grip is currently in stock at Amazon.