Lee SW150 filter system for the Nikon 14-24 f/2.8 lens now shipping

Lee Filters finally released the SW150 filter system for the Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 lens. The product was announced back in November of 2009.

The SW150 is available as a Starter Kit that contains a filter holder, adapter collar for the lens, a 0.6ND graduated filter and a neoprene lens cap. Lee filter offers also a separate system adapter that will allow you to attach the SW150 to other lenses.

Currently Adorama is taking pre-orders for the SW-150 kit.

Here is the full email that was sent to customers:

LEE Filters SW150 now available!

Now available to order, the new LEE Filters SW150 Filter System specifically designed to fit the Nikon 14-24mm lens.

LEE Filters have developed an entirely new filter system that enables you to use graduated and standard filters on a Nikon 14-24mm lens.

Initially being offered only for the 14-24mm, the system comes as a Starter Kit containing the holder, a unique adaptor collar for the lens, a 0.6ND (2 stop) hard graduated filter and a neoprene lens cap that fits over the collar when the holder is not attached.

A full range of resin graduated and standard filters will be available to order but there will be no Polarizer or Big Stopper available for this system. The filter sizes for the system are 150mm x 170mm for graduated filters and 150mm x 150mm for standard filters. The holder is fully rotational enabling greater flexibility when positioning graduated filters.

Also available is the SW150 System Adaptor, this allows you to attach to the SW150 onto any standard LEE adaptor ring, enabling you to use the SW150 on any other lenses you have.

The video below shows how the Lee SW150 filter system works: