Nikon D3100 is fine, but how about the D90 and D700 replacements?

Reports are pouring in from all over the world that D90 is hard to find – here are some of the emails I have been receiving in the past few days:

“I work in *** and it seems that the Nikon D90 is extremely hard to get hold of in the 18-105 kit. The only kit we can get in is the 18-55 kit.”

“D90 out of stock

Got a 100% confidence that Nikon distributor here in Italy, Nital, is in “rottura di stock” (stock breaking) for the D90.

My source also added that it will become available briefly again in the middle of the next week.”

“Just wanted to share what has been going on in Slovenia for the last few weeks.

When Nikon D90 came out, it was all over the place. 2 years of silence, now it’s back again, extra cheaper. Also, a very big electronics site at us doesn’t have them anymore and usually when something like this happens at us (50D was also advertised), a new model gets out soon.”

“Our store owner is on the buyers group for a large chain in ***.  He has said the D90 is about to be replaced.  Also the D5000 and D3000 are going to be replaced with a camera that would be between them.”

“Nikon D90 Removed from Sams Club

The Nikon D90 lens and camera kit has been removed from Sams Club’s website. A store employee told me today that a refresh is coming soon.”

Now, about the D700 replacement: I do not have any credible information that the Nikon D700 will be replaced in the next two months. This doesn’t mean that it won’t happen, I simply don’t know yet. Here are some related tips I got in the past few days:

“I was chit chatting with a friend who work in a camera store last Friday, and he told me that the Nikon sales person has told him that there will be no D700 replacement this year but a D90 replacement  and expect to be announce soon.”

“I just wanted to buy a Nikon D700 but on most big web shops it’s out of stock. Also the combination kits aren’t going to be restocked. Only the body has a ‘in delivery at supplier’ status.”

The Australian retailer ECS has a note on their front page that Nikon Australia has assured them that there will be no D700 replacement in 2010. Quoting the local Nikon headquarter on their main page should give some credibility to this statement:

European Nikon reps have been repeating the same story for months now (see here and here). If Nikon introduces a D700 replacement in addition to the Nikon D3100 and the new Nikon D90, then we will have three new DSLR in short period of time. Not to mention the upcoming new lenses, Coolpix cameras and EVIL system. Not impossible, but questionable.

More rebates in Sweden: buy a D700 and get a free SB-900.

Unless I post a [NR] rating above 90% for a given rumor, everything else should be considered only as informational posts.