Nikon’s President comments on the upcoming mirrorless camera again

Artist's view of Nikon EVIL (photoshopped)

In an interview with Pen News Weekly, Nikon’s president Makoto Kimura made few more comments on the upcoming mirrorless camera from Nikon (see the previous interview, where he dropped the bomb about an upcoming Nikon mirrorless concept):

Nikon plans to retain its “top position” in the DSLR market and create an “entirely new domain” at the same time.

“It will be a camera that may take photos of the world that the traditional SLR cannot reach.”

“Nowadays digital cameras take movies, performance of cameraphones is rapidly advancing and demand for simple movie cameras for uploading video on the Internet is on the rise. Redefinition of photography may become necessary.”

I find the last comment particularly interesting, since last week Nikon announced that they are looking for cooperation with online and mobile device companies. Based on those developments, I think we can expect some kind of  Internet connectivity built-in in the upcoming Nikon EVIL camera for uploading photos/video online. I’ve seen also few related patent applications filed by Nikon.

Via AmateurPhotographer/Image source: Focused