More Nikon patents filed in Japan

Patent application 2010-026469 (filed in February 2010) is about a built in rear lens cover – similar to the body mount/sensor cover patent discussed here – the corer is deployed automatically once the lens is removed. The interesting part here is that the lens release button is located on the lens (item 54 in the first drawing) and not on the body (Nikon’s EVIL camera is expected to have the lens release button on the body):

Patent application 2010-035145 (filed in February 2010) is for a folding display which will double the size of the camera’s LCD screen. The extra real estate could be used to display additional information:

Two more after the break:

Patent application 2010-039025 (filed in February 2010) is for a new flash design – the actual flash is built in the camera, a mirror is extended and can be adjusted to point the light in different directions (click on images for larger view):

Patent applications 2010-032700, 2010-032701, 2010-032702 (all filed in February 2010) are for a 28-300mm FX zoom lens:

f 28.7 96.6 291.9

Fno 3.6 5.5 5.9

omega 76.5 24.1 8.2

Y 21.6 21.6 21.6

TL 162.728 207.565 235.927

Patent applications are not guarantee that a specific product will come to life. The above patents were filed in Japan I cannot link directly to each of the entries (their website doesn’t have direct permalinks). Thanks to B. for helping me interpret those patents.