Nikon D3s, “the unicorn”

Today even Engadget chimed in on the lack of Nikon D3s stock in various stores and this the official word they got from a Nikon spokesman:

“A company spokesperson has told us this week that there’s nothing more to blame than extraordinary demand, seeing how a single factory produces units for the entire world”

The rumor mill says otherwise: the first rumor I heard was that the delay (at least in Europe) was caused by that volcano with the weird name in Iceland. The second tip I received recently is even crazier:

“I was talking to the Nikon rep at the *** today and he told me that one reason for the shortage of various Nikon items in Europe at the moment is the ‘loss’ (possible theft) of a shipping container full of Nikon equipment whilst in transit from the Far East.”

Maybe pirates? They was another tip few weeks ago (from a different source) that a container with Nikon SB-600 flashes got damage during transport.