Countdown mystery in black and yellow

This started yesterday and I did not think it was important enough to post it here (however, I did write about it on twitter and facebook). Today things got more interesting.

What do we have? Multiple reports came from France (in English) about a glossy mailing card that only had the number 8 on the front and the text “I am…” on the back:

Today things got even better (in English): a second card was mailed out with the number 7 on the front and the text “I am fun” on the back.

The word “Nikon” is not present anywhere on those mailings, the only link to Nikon are the black and yellow colors. It seems that only Nikon users are receiving those mailings (not confirmed yet). The blogger speculates that this may be the new Nikon EVIL (my information was that we should expect it for Photokina).

Now the best part: if you take week days only, the #1 card should be sent out next week on March 5, 2010 (Friday). Guess what? On Monday, March 8th, 2010 Nikon has scheduled a “Press Morning” in the UK!

Hey, it could be a coincidence of course, but I like coincidences!