Nikon D700 discontinued, price going up in China?

Update: Translation by a native Chinese speaker (thanks Pat):

“Facing the strong competitive pressure of Canon 5D Mark II, Nikon finally ceased production of their entry level full frame camera D700. At present D700 (body only) goes for 15300 in Chinese yuan, and further price hikes would be inevitable.”

credit: Nikon USA

This rumor is coming from The Google translation as aways doesn’t make much sense, but the article is about the price of the Nikon D700 going up in China as a result of the “announced cut-off”. It is not clear (at least to me) what this “announced cut-off” is. It could be that the D700 production is suspended or maybe even the D700 is about to be discontinued:

“Beijing Quotes face of strong competition Canon 5D Mark II’s strong pressure from the entry-level full-frame Nikon SLR Nikon D700 has finally announced cut-off, the price has also risen. D700 body is currently priced at 15.3 thousand yuan, and further increases have become necessary.”